, votre site de théâtre
Du 28 au 30 octobre 2010, 20h
RibcageRibcage: This Wide Passage
Written and performed by Heather Hermant
En 1738, à Québec, Esther Brandeau, une jeune femme juive, est accusée de se faire passer pour un homme chrétien. Dans ribcage : this wide passage, Heather Hermant combine vidéo, théâtre, poésie, au rythme du violon de Jaron Freeman-Fox, pour relater l’histoire de la première immigrante juive soupçonnée d’avoir foulé le Canada. Alliant documents d’archives et installations visuelles, ribcage […] donne vie à un pan peu connu du fondement de la nation canadienne.

In September 1738, Esther Brandeau appeared before colonial authorities at Quebec City, an outed female, and an outed Jew. Who outed her on either count, and how, remains in question. There she recounted events that had led to her setting sail for New France as Jacques LaFargue, a Christian boy who had lived for five years as a male labourer, working as an apprentice in various trades under various male identities, on sea and on land, across France and beyond. Born into a Jewish community in French Basque country that traced its roots to forced conversions and exile during the Inquisitions in Spain and Portugal, Brandeau/LaFargue is said to be among the first, if not the first Jewish person to set foot in what is now known as Canada.

Dramaturgy/Direction: Diane Roberts
Composer/Musician & Sound design: Jaron Freeman-Fox
Videography: Melina Young
Costume Design: Luisa Milan
Video Mixing: Kaija Siirala
Source image: site web Urban Ink

Production Urban Ink

3680, rue Jeanne-Mance
(514) 982-3386
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