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14-15-16 février 2008, 20h
Tarif Régulier/ Regular 20$ - SPECIAL TARIF ÉTUDIANT sur présentation d'une carte étudiante


Radix [Vancouver]

With Assembly, Radix uses the structure of a self-improvement seminar to launch a highly theatrical and entertaining exploration of what it means to be human. On a precarious balance between theatre and reality, four motivational speakers explain their methods for becoming whole as they gradually fall apart, exposing their deepest dreams and fears in hilarious and poignant ways.

With captivating staging and stirring original text, Assembly subverts expectations from beginning to end. The show will nourish any soul on a cold winter night, as Radix remembers what getting together is really all about.

Vasistas phase 2 : Le corps défiguré

La Chapelle
3700, rue Saint-Dominique
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